Friday, March 11, 2005
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Category : Car
Finally, my car has been repaired - this was literally driving me mad! every time I entered light traffic I was getting sharp rev decrease and stalling. The ignition coil was replaced for the value of a new iPod which means my playlist is damaged ..this followed checks on the oil pressure guage warning light persistingly coming on and engine management playing a symphony of all it's own as I have an automatic transmission this is a collective diagonostic
Category Television
* What is IPTV?
* Why should I know about it?
* When will I be able to watch it?
* What does it mean for my telly?
* Who is doing it?
* Why should I know about it?
* When will I be able to watch it?
* What does it mean for my telly?
* Who is doing it?
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Category : Photography

Robert Polidori took this picture like we need more holes for bullets 'good contrasts' but he took a shot of Michigan Theatre parking garage, Detroit which had an art deco ceiling like an amatearist attempt at the sisteen chapel which was I thought was a fair translation pity I can't show you.
Sunday, March 06, 2005

Category : Recreation
Burning Bird I won’t be posting too many photographs until I’ve finished porting my photo site over to new software, but I did want to share one of my favorite photos from Florida a wonderious picture - something of the 'global' playground Gary
Category : Wireless public
I have just learnt that one of our local libraries is to get a wireless technology The system enables printers and desktop computers to be connected to the wireless local area network (WLAN) in the library without the need for traditional fixed-wire network cabling; while at the same time providing public wireless Internet and portal access anywhere on site for visitors with a PDA, tablet or WiFi-equipped laptop. more